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Bacillus subtilis 26
Product Benefits
Product Characteristics
Performance Characteristics
Product Benefits
Competitive exclusion against pathogenic bacteria
Improves feed conversion
Increases weight gain
Production of bacteriocins mitigate potentially harmful bacteria improves
Immune stimulation
Product Characteristics
Product form: Spray dried powder
Purity: Free of other bacterial or fungal contaminants;
A certificate of analysis is provided with each shipment
Color: Tan to brown
Characteristics: Gram positive motile spore forming rods; aerobic; growth at a wide pH range 5.5-8.5; high salt tolerance up to 3%; temperature range 10-50°C; will hydrolyze casein, gelatin, and starch
Performance Characteristics
pH range: 4.5 – 8.5
Temperature range: 10-45°C (optimal near 37°)
Enzymes produced: Protease(Strong), Xylanase(Strong), Amylase (Average), Pectinase(Strong),Cellulase(Average), Lipase (Average), Phytase (Average), Uricase (Average), Nitrate reductase (Average), Urease (Low)
Application: Direct Fed Microbials, Aquaculture, Pet health/nutrition